Healthcare-IT Business Strategy

Sunday, August 16, 2020

National Digital Health Mission [NDHM]

National Digital Health Mission launched by PM Modi from Red Fort on 15th August 2020. ABPMJAY set the stage in 2018. Now India is taking the next big Digital Health leap in 2020. NDHM will serve as the Digital backbone for Health Insurance and the Provider Healthcare Ecosystem.

I had coined the term national ehealth authority [NeHA] in 2011 while doing the public health IT study report together with national health systems resource center [NHSRC]. I then spoke about NeHA, HIE and NHIN at the WITFOR 2012. I again spoke about NeHA, HIE and NHIN @ the eHealth conference Hyderabad 2012. I then wrote about it in the meta data and data [MDDS] standards for health domain again in 2013. On 30th Dec 2016 MDDS had been notified as part of the EHR v2 2016. Aug 2018 - MDDS for Health had been Notified. Nov 2019 - NDHB carried forward MDDS for Health and recommended the creation of NDHM.

#NDHM vision is to create a national digital health ecosystem that provides access to efficient, accessible, inclusive, affordable, timely and safe healthcare for all citizens.

Clearly India is moving from a payout-of-pocket model to a Universal Healthcare Coverage model. About 60% of India's population will soon be covered as
all Govt Health Schemes are folding-in to ABPMJAY and the Missing-Middle is all set to be covered too. Total claims are set to go up by 10-13 times. Digital is the only way to manage the upcoming Tsunami of claims.

World over Health Insurance does not just pay for Secondary and Tertiary care; it is in the interest of Health Insurance to reduce the overall Disease burden. Digital will help us catch the disease earlier at Primary care levels. Will better manage the Referral network. Data driven Clinical Protocols to slow down the disease progression. Evidence based medicine to reduce the disease burden. Some Examples -
John Hancock shifts from Life Insurance to Disease management; CVS purchased Aetna; UnitedHealth bought a large Doctors Group. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance covers Critical illnesses. 

Healthcare Wallet will Emerge: Soon a level playing field will enable a Healthcare Marketplace to emerge, to help the Person make better choices on Hospitals, Doctors, Appointments, Pharmacies, Labs and more. Patients will be inundated with plethora of choices and price competition will play out for them just like it happened in Telecom, Airlines and Retail.

Covid19 did not break the Healthcare system, it only exposed a broken system. Today Public Health cant do resource optimization because they don't really know how many Doctors, Nurses, Beds, Hospitals, Assets exist. This is not going to be the last epidemic hitting us. In this Pandemic, and Next time around we will be better prepared with resource optimization tools, predictive analytics and armed with Epidemiological studies to tackle it. 

NDHB Standards Compliance: To comply with NDHB Standards, the Health System has 2 options:

For Legacy systems - apply the
eObjects published here with FHIR Extensions and JSON.

For new systems - please build the Standards into your information model. Health Delivery Information System MVP Microservices published in #opensource. It is Free. Anyone can use the code under MPL 2.0 #opensourcesoftware license. Our objective is to take the Digital Healthcare Ecosystem to the next level.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Effect of Demonetization on Healthcare

Demonetization is a master stroke by PM Modi. It has done to Healthcare what all Transformation consultants put together couldn't achieve in 75 years.
These are few of my observations. Maybe isolated incidents and may not represent a wider trend; But this is what I saw...'pratyaksh athwa pramanit'.
  1. Cash payments in Hospitals have gone Digital! Patients come and say 'cash nahin hai saab ji'. Hence acting as a filter between need and want. Will pay Digitally for only what is required and not what can be postponed. What was under the table has come overboard. Only 5% of the GDP is spent on health and 80% of this is in the form of out of pocket expenditure. Almost all of this out of pocket was cash; out of which I think 70% will get converted to Digital that will show in the books and attract relevant tax. Over 80% bed utilization is usually considered profitable. However I have seen bed utilization falling by 30% in the demonetization period. I think this could be a short term shock effect, hope not a long term trend!
  2. The biggest impact is on Doctors in private practice for primary and secondary Healthcare. They can no longer hide some of the cash payments. Their cut practice will stop or be washed overboard. Labs, Pharmacy, Specialists, Hospitals have stopped paying cash [cuts] back to the practitioner. 'aap ko pata hai, cash to ab hai hi nahin Doc saab'. As per some estimates cut practice forms 80% of their income but hidden from income tax. About 60% of total health expenditure in India was paid by the common man from his own pocket. Almost all of this out of pocket was cash, out of which I think 70% will get converted to Digital that will show in the books and attract relevant tax. 
  3. Sales of OPD prescriptions and OTC has become Digital! Pharmacies were already geared for Digital payments but now the % of Cash payments has gone down to minimal. This is a good thing because now the traceability of the sale has gone up. Each transaction has a unique number and can be traced by batch number. Out of all health expenditure, 72% in rural and 68% in urban areas is for buying medicines for non-hospitalised treatment. Almost all of this was cash, out of which I think 70% will get converted to Digital that will show in the books and attract relevant tax. 
  4. IPD Medicines are fully Digital now. Whatever came through the HIS was Digital anyways. Now the medicines being bought directly by the patient are also Digital. Soon Pharma companies will have access to reliable Digital data for forecasting, which was a struggle thus far. Organised retail Pharmacy stores can handsomely monetize this Digital data.
  5. Hospital consumables and materials are about 30% of the operations cost; where the procurement has gone Digital! Where is the cash to pay for all the material supplies? Hence forced to do direct funds transfer to the bank.
  6. Medical consumables and material supplies to primary care and secondary care sector were all cash transactions. Now becoming cashless online payment. Small material suppliers risk getting wiped out as their business margin [< 8%] is lesser than the total tax liability!
  7. Although P&C/Gen Insurance saw heavy FDI inflow after the amended law last year; but same didn't happen to Health Insurance thus far. This is because the Actuaries can't calculate the risk when the Indian Healthcare relies on hidden cash transactions and under the table deals. It's happening now because of demonetization. Insurance feels more comfortable dealing with claims that have a Digital footprint. i.e. Insurance is more comfortable reimbursing a Digital expense because it reduces the chances of fraud and abuse. From a Actuarial perspective the risk comes down. Full traceability. Hence I saw a large Healthcare group offering OPD Insurance cover. Now that is a commendable change! Thus far private Health Insurance coverage is between 3-5% and total Health Insurance coverage is between 14-18% of India's population; this is expected to grow exponentially because insurance becomes attractive in a clean business environment.
  8. MNC Medical device OEM want to sell directly in India now. Not through dealers because the payments have become Digital and 100% FDI is allowed and overboard. As per FICCI the Medical Devices and Equipment industry, valued at US$ 2.5 billion contributes only 6% of India’s US$ 40 billion healthcare sector. It was growing at a annual rate of 15%. The need for Digital records, Digital payments and with IoT coming in, I expect it to grow @ over 20% annually.
  9. Labs were already Digital ahead of other Healthcare stakeholders. Now thinking of leapfrogging to SMAC, IoT, Automation and AI in a big way. LOINC standardsapproved and notified for India! International Lab chains eyeing India as a viable market.
  10. Radiology business is falling. Unnecessary imaging is going down. Traceability and transparency is reducing repeat tests. Obviously Patient benefit and Insurance wins.
  11. Drug counterfeit market that was expected to be 50% of the market in India has been hit badly as it was all cash market. Pretty much struggling to survive. Obviously plugging such a leak is a huge benefit for all. Recognised Pharma companies should be celebrating. The total yearly drug spend of US$ 36.7 billion currently should see a huge jump this year as the market spend shifts from counterfeit to genuine drugs. It will be interesting to watch if this shift will benefit generic or patented drugs!
  12. All the ad-hoc or lower level staff were daily wagers and are on daily or weekly cash payments. No one really knew if these daily wagers were real or existed only on paper. Salary payments under 30K per month did not attract TDS and hence were mostly used as a buffer or to siphon the black money. Now the ordinance of all Salary to be paid Digital brings all this out in the open! Going forward 'Ram lal 1, Ram lal 2, Babu Ram x, Babu Ram y' will no longer exist.
  13. National Health Protection Scheme - Health Insurance cover of up to INR 1 Lakh per family for the poor and BPL has been hanging fire for a year now; But PM Modi announcing INR 6K direct benefit transfer [DBT] for every pregnant woman in the country is the last straw on the corrupt public healthcare systems back. The Govt will need to establish unique Digital Identifiers and registries for Services, Patient, Provider and Facility; hence EHR v2 and MDDS Standards notified. Where the DBT will be done by Jandhan, AADHAAR and mBanking [JAM]. This is start of the Public Health Transformation!
  14. Real estate use for Healthcare is suddenly in demand! The dealers and builders are calling me and offering spaces at 75% discounted rentals, the same were unwilling to talk because they could get higher prices elsewhere. Now I tell them I dont have the cash to rent/buy.
  15. Didn't you wonder - !! - when the balance sheets of large hospital/healthcare chains were showing losses year-on-year? Obviously this was a siphon going on. Demonetization wiped out the [black?] cash stores of HNI and traditional Indian business houses. Hence Demonetization has given a major blow to the investment confidence in green field and brown field hospitals and other capital intensive Healthcare businesses. Soon these siphon businesses will start getting sold out or wiped out of the game. Hence democratisation of funds creates a level playing field for new age digital healthcare business to compete with the old boys club. Let's bet on the winning horse now!
  16. 80% of healthcare infrastructure is in public sector whereas 80% of healthcare spend is in the private sector. Majority of the spend in private sector was in cash. These cash based revenue sources for private Hospitals have taken a big hit. Value of volumes from Govt Insurance programs like CGHS, ECHS etc. have gone up. With demonetization and Digital payments the corruption is expected to come down significantly. Hence the public sector hospital functioning is expected to improve and give private sector hospitals a run for their money. Nalayak beta bhi ab layak ho gaya ;-)
  17. India sovereign is now ready to become probably one of the largest Reinsurers in the world. Banking system is flush with unprecedented funds. Insurance companies will be fools to not notice! Health Insurance is no exception. Hence sets the stage for rolling out one of the world's largest Universal Health Coverage [UHC]. The number of Indians falling below the poverty line [BPL] every year due to health spending is anything between 2 to 7% of the nation’s population, and this total is on the rise. Hopefully UHC will stem this.
India's demographics playing in favor of shift to Digital payments. About 70% of India now is below the age of 40. Over 900 Million mobile phones in India. Over 60% are smart phones. AADHAAR has crossed over 1 Billion mark; its coverage is now at 93 percent among adults, 67 in children in the 5-18 age group and 20 percent of those aged zero to 5. Massive spread of Jan Dhan accounts, RuPay Cards in rural India, BHIM payment platform, Tax incentives for Digital payments, India's own GPS [NAVIC] are all preparations for the Digital onslaught on traditional lala and cash ka dhanda.
This year all balance sheets will show huge jump in revenue, assets and tax! win win for all. India will be soon ready for Universal Health Coverage! All the Healthcare MNC big boys are already eyeing India as it emerges from the shadows.
Healthcare will have to learn Cashless Business! CBDT as per Amended Sec 285BA read with Rule 114E of The IT Rules 1962: has made it mandatory to report on Cash Transactions recorded on or after 01st April, 2016.
1. Tax Assessees (covered under the Tax Audit Norms) have to mandatorily report to the Authorities " Receipt of Cash Payments exceeding Rs. 2 Lacs for sale of goods or services of any Nature".
2. The FINANCIAL INSTITUTION must report cash Deposit or Cash Withdrawal (including through bearer cheques) aggregating valued to Rs. 50 Lacs or more in one F.Y. in one or more Current Account of any person."

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Thursday, December 8, 2016

MAXimising Benefits

Max Healthcare IT Transformation Cover Story in Ehealth Magazine Eletsonline. Perot systems corporation Total ITO. Largest VistA EHR implementation outside the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and outside the USA. The institutional memory of the grand success was lost in the merger of Perotsystems with Dell Services further merged with NTT Data. Though the success achieved in Max is unprecedented and still largely unmatched. Lot of firsts here. First Indian Hospital chain to go on a private cloud. All Hospitals working from the same HIS/EHR/LIS with common IDs for Patients, Doctors, Facilities. Records having Diagnosis, Procedure, Lab Standard Code Sets.

The IT outsourcing deal puts Max Healthcare on the roadmap for becoming the best IT-enabled hospital chain in the country The Indian healthcare system has recently realised the potential of information and communication technologies in completely transforming care delivery at hospitals. The industry witnessed its first complete IT infrastructure technology outsourcing deal in September 2009, when Max Healthcare and Dell Services (formerly Perot Systems) partnered for developing IT operations at all Max Hospitals. The cost of the deal, Rs 90 crore (excluding infrastructure cost), is an indicator of the increased priority that is now being given by Indian hospitals to IT, which is an extremely positive sign. As per the agreement, the deal will last for ten years, out of which one year has already passed, and a lot of positive transformation has already been noticed. The unique partnership is not only expected to provide a lot of value to Max Healthcare in terms of enhancing the quality of services and reducing treatment costs, but it will also be a great learning experience for Dell, which marked its entry into the Indian healthcare market with this deal.Status update Post its inception in September 2009, the ITO deal will last for 10 years and which, according to Dell, will comprise of three major phases – transition, improving productivity and optimisation.

As one year has passed, the transition phase is almost over. During this phase Dell installed the entire IT infrastructure for Max, by migrating the already existing IT infrastructure to a modern infrastructure. The entire data centre of Max, which was housed in their Okhla office, was migrated to the Dell facility in Noida. To reduce hassles, the shifting work was done during off hours on weekends, so that the work at the hospitals does not get affected. The entire process lasted for a couple of months and currently all Max Hospitals are running from the data centre housed in the Dell facility in Noida. The servers and network devices have been installed with monitoring devices that generate alerts in case a problem arises. There is also a situation management process in place to ensure that even the problems of highest criticality get resolved within a definite period of time.

Original publication for Reference:

Summary of outcomes beyond the published article: Max Healthcare was the largest ever full ITO and Clinical Transformation Account of Perotsystems International. $20M deal across multiple years. Total Business Transformation done including technology, process, people and business. This includes Enterprise Architecture, Operations and Projects:

Phase I: Infrastructure Upgrade completed
  1. Centralized Service Desk for L1 support and triage to L2 and L3 teams
  2. Converted the P2P network to a MPLS private cloud
  3. HIS and all other software applications of 7 Max hospitals are now running from the Dell data centre
  4. HIS re-engineered and stabilized to take the load of new environment
  5. Physical, Network and Data level security established
  6. Operations management as per SLAs
  7. Governance process for decision making
  8. Integration with Medical Devices - ICU, ECG, EEG, LIMS, Lab Analysers, CT, MRI, Modalities, RIS, PACS, Surgery, Scopes etc.
  9. Bar Code, Medication Administration and Nursing Devices
  10. Computer on Wheels, Mobile CPOE Orders Devices
  11. Retail Pharmacy, CRM, Physician Mobile, Remote Monitoring Devices
Phase II:
  1. Customization of Opensource VistA Electronic Health Record System. Max Healthcare is the largest VistA implementation outside the VA and anywhere outside the USA.
  2. Implementation of CPOE, CDSS, BCMA, ePrescription
  3. Developed standard master data e.g. Service master, Lab master, Drug master, etc.
  4. Order sets, Notes Templates
  5. HL7 based Enterprise Application Integration using Mirth.
  6. Clinical transformation as per ADOPTS methodology

Business Benefits realized by Max Healthcare:
  1. Private Cloud IT Infrastructure: plug-n-play environment for new facilities
  2. Business downtime due to infrastructure and HIS outages is history
  3. Process Re-Engineering -- 1000 beds in 7 Hospitals; expanded to 1500 beds in 11 Hospitals.
  4. Standardized operations without disruptions reduced the waste and improved the topline.
  5. Near paper-less, > 95% Adoption in Clinical.
  6. Achieved full NABH and HIMSS Stage 6 accreditations later.
  7. Hospital was able to attract FDI investments.
The institutional memory of the grand success was lost in the merger of Perotsystems with Dell Services further merged with NTT Data. Though the success achieved in Max is unprecedented and still largely unmatched.

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Friday, February 19, 2016

Top Health IT Trends to Expect in 2016

Technology has transformed healthcare around the world at a faster rate in the last few years than at any other time in history. There are many exciting innovations poised to help improve patient outcomes and the landscape of healthcare as a whole over the next few years. For 2016, we can expect to see the following IT driven changes in India:

Expanding Telemedicine Services

The telemedicine market in India is expected to reach a valuation of about $18.7 million by 2017, according to Deloitte. Since telemedicine makes it possible to provide needed medical services from a distance, this may be particularly helpful for individuals in rural communities that do not have access to the larger hospitals and centralized facilities. Medical professionals can provide advice to patients and can even consult with patients about specific issues using video chat options.

Greater Integration of SMAC

SMAC, standing for Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud technologies have transformed every business in India and around the world and healthcare is no exception. As medical facilities get on board with using social options, patients will be able to interact with their doctors and obtain information about their health and well being in new and convenient ways. Analytics in healthcare will allow information to be analyzed and cross referenced, assisting with research and outcome improvement.

Mobile integration puts health information at the patient’s fingertips in a way that was not possible in the past. This may help improve outcomes and communications between medical providers and patients in countless ways as the shift to mobile is embraced. The movement from client server to cloud is shifting the industry IT vendor landscape, with many smaller and newer vendors beginning to replace large vendors that have traditionally assisted with IT needs.

Increased Use of Medical Wearable Devices

The use of health and fitness wearables has increased substantially over the past few years and is expected to continue to increase at an ever-faster rate until about 2020. Start-up companies are experimenting with creating wearables featuring health IT features. We may see prototypes emerge this year that allow patients to instantly send remote information about biometric data that is obtained using sensors in various medical wearables. This could allow physicians to spot medical issues much faster.

Improved Mobile Access to Health Insurance

Private health insurance covers about three percent of India’s population. The government health plan covers about eight to nine percent of India’s population, while the rest is paid out of pocket. In 2015 the Parliament passed the Insurance Bill where the FDI in Insurance was raised to 49 percent and health insurance has been declared as a separate business. Also 100 percent FDI was allowed in medical devices. These two policy changes will bring a boom to the mHealth and health insurance market in 2016-2017.We predict Insurance support for mHealth solutions including outpatient visits and chronic disease management or non-communicable diseases [NCD] as it is called in India.

Many companies now also allow individuals to apply for health insurance using mobile apps. In 2016, we can expect to see even greater competition in the industry with more mobile access and improvements in automating the claims process.

More Complete Patient Histories with EHRs

EHR and MDDS for health domain standards were notified in September 2013 and approved in December 2013, respectively. As medical facilities adjust to using systems to keep electronic records, we can expect to see more complete patient histories begin to affect outcomes and standards of care. This is especially true across borders, as many developed nations are now employing the same standards for coding and keeping EHRs. We may see 2016 bring forth improved software that simplifies electronic record keeping, transitions of care, coding, and billing.

Widespread Adoption of Surgical Robots

India has been behind the ball in adopting surgical robots for some time now, but we may see many more robots flood the hospitals this year. Intuitive Surgical, the creator of the U.S. based da Vinci surgical systems, considers India an important market. The Vattikuti Foundation plans to increase the number of surgeons trained to perform robotic surgeries from about 147 currently to 300 by 2020.

IoT Revolutionizing Patient Care

The Internet of Things is an extremely beneficial addition to the medical industry. We expect IoT platforms to emerge that will enable integration of all healthcare applications, devices, and things. Health monitoring devices can track vital patient information such as blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels every single day and communicate this information to medical professionals. Pacemakers and other medical devices can also be connected so that information is transmitted daily and not just during doctor visits. Medical professionals can directly communicate when information is worrisome and can save time from running unnecessary tests when health signs are good.

CRM Improving Patient Relations

Customer relationship management has always been important, but is now easier than ever because of SMAC technologies and EHRs. Doctors can communicate more freely with patients and can track all interactions for future review. These options will help make doctor/patient relations more personalized. A personalized approach will improve patient satisfaction and may also help to improve outcomes.

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Thursday, February 4, 2016

New Healthcare Aggregators: SMAC and IoT

See Dr Pankaj Gupta @ Healthscape IDE 2017 Panel Discussion Video 2: Why are hospitals not moving to cloud computing?
The old paradigm of business as a linear value chain is now facing extinction. Businesses are now ecologies and not merely producers and sellers ! That requires a change in thinking. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) needs to be a mission at every step of the process. This is hard to overemphasize! The internet is clearly the medium that allows such integration across time and space. It is time to take a more accepting look at Cloud and Social Media technologies. This offers the only universal layer of engagement across stakeholders. The investment in IT hardware as we knew it in the past has been greatly optimized by mobile. It has brought a tactile feel to life and work for all of us. Mobile mirrors the nature of Healthcare in terms of immediacy and continuity so well. Healthcare needs to embrace it wholeheartedly. Healthcare can only profit from it.
There is a huge Vacuum in Indian Healthcare-IT space. Large Healthcare-IT vendors have exited the market. Either they lost interest and exited or got bought out e.g. TrakHealth, iSoft. Also many traditional HIS/EHR are losing market share as the market is moving from client-server to cloud and from Capex to Opex models e.g. Wipro HIS, TCS Med Mantra, HealthFore. Many of these players like Wipro, TCS, CSC are suffering in their primary market [USA] due to shifts in US Govt policy and Automation and hence lack the Executive confidence to invest in product upgrades for the Indian market. On the other hand many incumbent players are not able to shift out to cloud because of their long term negotiated contracts in client-server model e.g Napier, Akhil, Srishti. New cloud based players like Dwise, UBQ, SRIT, ICT, Attune are small in size and yet to reach size and scale. Whereas Practo is trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist! Someone was stupid to assume that Appointments and Scheduling will sell whereas we Doctors want to see long waiting line of patients outside our clinics. Also the patients like to see waiting queues - in Doc sahib ki chalti hai.
Effect of Demonetization -- many hospitals are going to be sold off to PE that can invest in FDI e.g. Fortis is on the chopping block. The new management is going to hit on the bottom-line, optimize processes, re-skill staff and invest in growing the topline. All this is obviously a compelling case for Digital! So the time is now when full conversion of Client-Server Enterprise class to Digital [SMAC, IoT, CRM, AI] will happen. Now Healthcare CIOs have a choice to make - keep eyes closed and risk losing their jobs or tighten the belt and ride the Digital wave. Welcome to the Future!
The Government push towards MDDS/EHR Standards is not helping the old horses. PM Modi has put the focus of his Digital India on Healthcare, Education and Jobs [see]. Whereas Healthcare is a State Subject and District Health Officers are wondering how do we benefit from Digital! Hard for many to imagine SMAC is a unifying force across enterprises and IoT breaks the silos. PM Modi's Digital India can be quite a game changer!
The era of hierarchical command and control is over. Now is the time for horizontal networking across Communities of Practice [CoP]. Whatever gets the maximum likes becomes the In Thing. Whatever is the In Thing gets used the maximum. Students are learning more from the online networking than from the formal classroom and professors. Research will reach the point of use as soon as it gets published. Primary care Providers in semi-urban and rural areas will have access to latest therapeutic recommendations. The old Adage that 'Knowledge is the only form of power that is not expendable but grows when shared' has become true.
The movie Avatar has beautifully depicted the concept of Small data ^ = Big Data where small knowledge base of each living being [App] is contributing towards the collective consciousness [Big Data] of Eywa. Now the question is will the future of SMAC/IoT be driven by technology or biotechnology?
Anyways for now - The time has come when you don't need big monolithic HIS software to run hospitals. Now you can do everything with small mobile based Apps for every function. Though I am already seeing many of these Apps in the market but what is lacking is a unified platform on which the Apps should be built such that the data can be seamlessly collated. Also it gives the provider the flexibility to select from a bouquet of Apps.
IoT integration platforms are emerging that will integrate at the App level, Data level and Semantic level. Anyone in the ecosystem can slice, dice, run reports on the collated data.
Successful Cloud models have dug the grave for the Enterprise Hardware. Capex has got converted to Opex. Now you can pay for the software on the cloud like you pay your monthly electricity bill.
SMAC coupled with IoT has a potential to bring the Aggregator Business model to Healthcare. Soon the unorganised and fragmented primary care, secondary care and supporting care market will begin to get Aggregated. I see these Aggregators becoming larger than established capital intensive Enterprise market similar to what happened in the Automobile market. It will be in the interest of Insurance, Pharma and Govt to go all out and support this emerging SMAC/IoT driven Healthcare Market Aggregation.
What happened in the FinTech space will now happen to HealthTech too. Just as the FinTech became a game changer to the Financial sector, a Digital Healthcare Ecosystem is taking shape. So many times bosses mocked new technology and got it wrong! Healthcare Businesses that are still in a denial mode will have huge re-skill challenges and risk shut shop.
Why Healthcare must Re-imagine itself - and how
Why All Indian Hospitals IT is in Bad Shape
Global HIS/EMR vendor nightmare outside US
Thick client vs Thin client
There is no Market for EMR in India
Size of Healthcare-IT Market in India

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Indian Healthcare going thru a paradigm shift

Indian Healthcare is going thru a paradigm shift right now. It is moving from fragmanted to consolidated. Its moving from Transaction based Healthcare model to a Healthcare contract.

Large consolidated hospital chains are emerging in the private sector. Clinic networks, Lab networks and Pharmacy chains are also emerging on the scene. Govt is also catching up with the modernisation of its hospitals and PPP. Health Insurance is begining to follow patients even after they leave the clinic and some systems are emerging to manage their health and disease in the society as well. However all this is happening on the brick&mortar side of the healthcare. What about technology, people and process?

Is technology catching up at the same pace as brick&mortar? Are these networks/chains having the required technology infrastructure in terms of software, hardware and IT networks? Is the budget being allocated for the technology infrastructure? For a good IT setup, Indian hospitals have to get into a habbit of allocating 10% of their budget to IT.

There is a need to develop a Healthcare-IT platform specifically for India. A platform that will include HIS+EMR+ERP and will be hosted, so that every clinician, administrator or manager can use it over the web. Software as a service [SaaS] model can become a reality now in India because internet bandwidth is becoming available everywhere through fixed lines, mobiles and DTH. The SaaS moel is economically viable because it converts the Capex into Opex. Also there is no entry or exit barrier.

Current HIS/EMR are force fit to the unique requirements of the Indian Healthcare. Either they are imported and dont include the special needs of Indian business. Or they are home grown and dont recognize the global aspirations of Indian hospitals/clinics.

Public Health informatics is still a far cry!

Is there trained manpower available to run this show? we need people trained and experienced in Healthcare + IT + Management skills. Atleast 30% of the people should have all the 3 skills in the same brain and the rest can start from one descipline and acquire the other 2 in time.

I think the real change will happen when our Medical colleges restructure their courses to include management and IT as an integral part of the education curriculum. Some Healthcare Management institutes have taken the first step towards including some part of IT in the curriculum, but there is a long way to go before the model matures.

We need to have short term, medium term and longterm approach to the people issue. Do we have anyone thinking in this direction!

Awareness about NABH, JCAHO and ISO standards is emerging in large hospitals. More because they want to look attractive to the MNC Health insurance, so that medical tourism can be routed this way. However the culture of Quality is yet to percolate down into the psyche of the Indian Healthcare. This will take time to happen and will require a significant push from central bodies like QCI.

The need of the hour is to define key performance indicators [KPI] for clinical, admin and management aspects of healthcare. Some standard mechanism has to emerge for KPI measurements, analysis, publication and debate. Some healthcare body has to take the lead for KPI in Indian healthcare. Unfortunately very few even understand the concept of Healthcare KPI.

During my recent lecture I asked the Healthcare management students if they are measuring their processes, and most of them could just draw a blank!


Friday, April 3, 2009

Disease Registry and Disease Management Program for Emerging Markets - Conceptual

Data Capture for building a Disease Registry in emerging markets like India is always a challenge. Electronic systems can come to the aid of healthcare professionals to collect credible data from data sources. However technology has to be used where it makes most sense. For example electronic data capture directly from field maybe a far cry. So just make the healthcare workers collect clean paper data and let a BPO unit do the data entry.

Primary Data capture:

  • Paper data – transcribed by data entry operator

  • Mobile – SMS or email sent by MPW

  • Mobile – SMS or email sent by Patient

  • Mobile – Voice call done by Patient to a call centre that records the data

PHC/ Hospital sends the collated data to State level Disease Registry via:

  • DTH linkup to Satellite and linked to the Registry

  • Broadband linkup to the Registry

State level Registry is linked up to the Central Registry via Satellite

Full Redundancy can be built by Broadband and GPRS linkup to make sure alternative route is available if one fails.

Enterprise Master Person Index [EMPI] software along with the Registry will make sure that duplicate entries are not present. EMPI decides this based upon complex statistical analysis of parameters such as – name, age, sex, address, ration card number, DL number, any other identification number etc.

Once the Disease Registry has been built the Disease Management can also be one. Standard Care Plans can be pushed from the central location and the local doctor can customize it for the individual needs of the patient.

  • Standard Care plans are pushed down from National level Registry to State level Registry to local hospitals.

  • Care plans can be customized by local doctor.

  • Clinical decision support software can help the doctor customize the care plan for the patient based upon combination of key indicators such as HBA1c levels, age and drug prescriptions of a Diabetic.

  • These customized care plans can be pushed to the patient via paper mailer, mobile – text and voice.

  • Patient Relationship Management software can keep track of care plan and drug compliance via reminders and alerts on mobile SMS, voice and mailers

  • Call centers managed by nurses can also keep track of care plan and drug compliance of patients
